So, my Aunt Verna heard that I had made jewelry for the family for Christmas and asked me to make something... It proved to be more of a challenge than I had orignally thought. If you know my Verna, then you'd understand why my previous attempts to make her something I rejected as the final product... they all seemed commercial, teenager-ish and just nothing that really spoke "Aunt Verna" to me.
Above are the best pictures I took of the necklace that I decided was "Aunt Verna" like. Some info... I used recycled hard drive rings , double sided red velvet ribbon, black and silver silver pearls and the back clasp is magnetic. It's all hand sewn... It's a piece of art in my own eyes. Verna would give me colored pencils and art supplies for Christmas and if you know me that's HUGE for someone who loves to express themselves creatively. I also remember her wearing a red colored beret and I thought it would be a great color for her.
It's been great getting back into being creative now that I'm feeling better :)