All my crafts are packed I'm ready to leave, I'm standing here outside the door...
So all my craft stuff has been packed and moved to Franny's... on Monday I'll be there working on some boxes and doing a yard sale... I'll send pictures as soon as I find the camera!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Color and Design
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So at one point in my life someone, don't remember who, got the idea that I liked Giraffes. Then I took a class in HS with my friend Amanda and made two crazy Giraffe projects. One is a teapot...Tail for a handle, Tongue for a spout and one of the spots it the lid... it's wacky but totally fun and me. The other is a beautiful box with a puzzle lid and four different giraffe pictures. I took pictures because I think it's time for me to let them go. We are moving to Hawaii and I can't justify shipping them. Bummer. If you know anyone that loves giraffes let me know!
Friday, April 9, 2010

Spidey... so I've been trying to paint something for my friend Ben for a long time and I just couldn't get anything right... so the other week I started this and although it isn't finished it's starting to look and feel like what I pictured for him. He's a SUPER fan of spiderman. I thought I'd put this up to remind me to finish it along with all my other unfinished works.
Hard Drive Ring bracelot

I worked on this bracelet more than any other project. At first there were three rings but I found since they wouldn't bend the would go around the wrist nicely, so then I tried two and finally settled on one... BUT I didn't like how plain the rings looked to I added a center bead... which didn't help... so I added the beads around it, which I think look sort of like a flower. In the end it's not my favorite BUT I think it looks nice :)
I guess I should mention that these are purple green and blue colored pearls, the camera couldn't pick up the details.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Black Pearl

So this is one of my favorites AND the only problem is it's REALLY REALLY hard to take a picture of something black. This is like the other 5 string necklace with the exception that it's only one string and the tie is a satin ribbon instead of velvet. It's super comfy to wear and it's great since it goes with just about everything! I also have a nice shot of the earrings, which once again soooooo hard to get a shot in and the pictures just don't so them justice at all!
5 String Pearls

Ok, so my mom and my mom in law kept asking me if I've made anything for myself. Well, after watching Marie Antoinette I decided to actually make something for me. Unfortunately I don't have anything to wear with it... because if you've seen the movie well... I just don't have THOSE kind of dresses lying around BUT I do love this piece. It's a soft yellow, which looks like gold, oblong pearl with a white velvet tie in the back. As in the title it's 5 strings and when I've worn them to try them on I twist them and they sit BEAUTIFULLY. If you have pure beige skin these will look awesome! If anyone finds a dress/outfit to wear them with PLEASE let me know :)
Oh! And I made them more of a choker length, again if you see the movie you'll understand!
Barb's Egyptian Necklace

My Aunt in law Barb requested I make her a special necklace. She has always wanted an egyptian style collar necklace in "her" colors. So we went to Queen street and she picked all the beads and stones with a little help from me and several weeks later Viola! I've been having a hard time getting a good picture of it so hopefully Justin will assist me when he gets back from work, but in the meantime here is her very ornate collar.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Working on working on
So sort of like Keep on keeping on but I'm just trying to finish up a lot of project since Justin is in Hawaii... I have a lot of alone time right now and today I really used it wisely. I had my whole week planned on projects to do each day but I think that's not going to work out as planned since my Aunt and Uncle in Law are kidnapping me away to their Chalet. I would normally say no, but they are super picky about their place and so I have to "learn the ropes" before I am allowed to be there NEXT week when my friend Julia comes to visit. I was sort of hoping she wouldn't want to go but she just wrote and said YES she does... so off I go.
On a happier note, they make some amazingly yummy dishes up there and I can always take my beads and stuff with me. :)
On a happier note, they make some amazingly yummy dishes up there and I can always take my beads and stuff with me. :)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Aunt Verna

So, my Aunt Verna heard that I had made jewelry for the family for Christmas and asked me to make something... It proved to be more of a challenge than I had orignally thought. If you know my Verna, then you'd understand why my previous attempts to make her something I rejected as the final product... they all seemed commercial, teenager-ish and just nothing that really spoke "Aunt Verna" to me.
Above are the best pictures I took of the necklace that I decided was "Aunt Verna" like. Some info... I used recycled hard drive rings , double sided red velvet ribbon, black and silver silver pearls and the back clasp is magnetic. It's all hand sewn... It's a piece of art in my own eyes. Verna would give me colored pencils and art supplies for Christmas and if you know me that's HUGE for someone who loves to express themselves creatively. I also remember her wearing a red colored beret and I thought it would be a great color for her.
It's been great getting back into being creative now that I'm feeling better :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Back from Surgery
So, I'm back from surgery and ready to get creative again. I'll post pictures later of the piece I made for my Aunt Verna. YAY!
PS. My mother in law thought it would be funny for me to get my gallstones/gallbladder and make jewelry out of it... a pendant and earrings. I know she's only joking but do people do that?!
PS. My mother in law thought it would be funny for me to get my gallstones/gallbladder and make jewelry out of it... a pendant and earrings. I know she's only joking but do people do that?!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Down but not out
Sorry... I've been out of the jewelry making bit of my life. I ran to PA to get my husbands car and the day after I got back I ended up in the hospital for two days.... Tomorrow I get my surgery and should be up and running before ya know it!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Unusually Pretty

Knowing me, there are few days that I get all dolled up. These two pieces were completed yesterday and as I took pictures of them I noticed how usually pretty they are. The bracelet started when someone from Etsy asked for a Haute Bride type bracelet with the crystal brooch in the middle and 5 strands of pearls bursting from it. Well, I did what she asked for but then I didn't like it... thought the 5 strand of solid pearls looked boring. SO, I added my own pattern to it and I think it looks like music notes on five lines of music.
The other necklace was inspired from the winter tulips that Franny gave us... they were starting to die, as all fresh flowers do... I was watching the petals lean back and then drop off and thought the rasberry/white mix of colors looked really pretty. So, I took the pictures with some of the fallen petals.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Oldest Necklace EVER
If you knew me in High School/College I had this necklace... Depending on WHEN you knew me it was either tied behind my neck, fastened with a safety pin or just literally falling off and in pieces...
I LOVED this necklace that I bought from the stand in front of the lemonade stand that worked at in the Park City mall. So much that I finally bought it after staring at it forever and just recently RECREATED it. I still had the pieces so thanks to the internet I found the knotting technique. An hour later and two different thicknesses of hemp rope I had my necklace back... YAY! It's amazing the things I'll do for something I enjoy. Anywho, thought I'd share!
So, someone on Etsy was looking for a 5 strand pearl bracelet with a crystal brooch in the middle. I started this project just to see if I could do it... As you can tell I'm not done AT ALL! In fact I have the bracelet held around my wrist with sticky tack... But I like the look... I used coin pearls and some smaller odd shaped ones... It' still a work in progress but I'll update it when it's completed :)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tutu Thursday
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Franny Franny Franny

I am very lucky to be surrounded by such creative people in my life and Franny is a new addition. Justin, my husband's mom Franny is an artist. She travels around to the schools in Toronto/Ontario and teaches. I love being involved in her projects! Once she saw my work that she had commissioned me to do she hinted that she would love some "interesting brooches that the kids will see and ask what they are made of" for her Christmas gift... well, I decided to do one for each day of the week. Here is a photo of four. "The Daffodil" was my attempt to try another flower brooch different from the others that have more petals. "Three Fish Coral" was one that I really got excited about. The closer you look the more you notice..."Purple Starfish" is made out of computer pieces and freshwater pearls... not something you'd usually see together! BUT I have to say my favorite is the one I call "Blank Canvas"...Franny inspires me to try new things and so when I was putting this one together I tried all sorts of new techniques and items. I'm guessing no one will ever be able to tell what it's really made of :) All the bits and pieces come from special places, which I wrote down and gave to Franny when she opened these on Christmas. We should all try to be like Franny, blank canvases ready to learn and grow no matter how much we think we already know!
Smashing a Digital Camera!

I never thought I'd smash a digital camera since my whole use of them has always been by "walking on eggshells" trying to be extra careful not to damage them... BUT Franny asked me to make a brooch for her good friend a photographer, so I took an "old" digital camera places it on my stainless steel kitchen island and whacked it until I got the pieces I wanted :) I ended up making her the "Bee brooch" as I call it. The photo under the glass bead is of my grandmother as a child sitting with her parents. I also used an exposed film strip. My favorite part though is the bee... Like a bee to a flower a photographer is a to a picture, this bee is made out of the lens of the camera... smaller and thicker than I thought it would be... it sticks out about an inch from the flower on a red spring bobbing and floating waiting to get a good shot!
So, after I had harvested the lens it seemed an awful waist to just throw out the rest... so I made two additional brooches for Franny. The "Green Screen", made of the LCD screen and memory chip, and the "Dial Flower" that has the settings dial as the center of the flower.
So, my advice to anyone about to make something, don't be afraid to break that thought in your mind that tells you not to break "expensive" stuff... you just might end up with some beautiful pieces of art.
Christmas Brooches

Here is a collage of some of the 30 Christmas brooches I made... some for gifts, some on commission. I especially want to point out the "keys" brooches. These were gifted to the granddaugters/daughters of a deceased love one who had left a string of wind up toy keys with a note that said " Keys for wind-up toys June '89". I was commissioned to make 4 brooches from the keys. Here are pictured two, "Wind-up" and "June'89" or as I call it "The rose". I got to meet the recipiant after Christmas, all wearing their pins proudly and telling me about their granny and how special it was to see her handwriting and keys.
The other brooches went to my mother-in-law, who from now on I'll just write Franny... she gave them as gifts and some I gifted to her... more on those later.
So I don't know why I've always liked buttons but when I saw something like this while l doing a search online I thought it would be a cute gift idea for my new Aunt-in-law, who from now on I'll just call Barb... it's easier to type! She uses barrettes to pull back her hair on either side and I thought it would be cute to switch up her style a little by adding some cute, non-bright non-kid colored, buttons to some barrettes. She got them for Christmas and loved them. She told me that they hold a lot better than her previous one, which has nothing to do with the buttons but yay! an added bonus. I too have been sporting these around as well, but I like to use them on my growing bangs and I also double them up! OH! I forgot to mention that I got the buttons on Queen street... to bags of buttons put me back $5 but I'll never need to buy any ever again since now I have about a kajillion :)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Cute as a button
Monday, January 4, 2010
Jana Bell
She'll always be loved. Miss you.
Video of First works
Copy and Paste the link below:
I know it goes a little fast/slow... but it's my first time making a video and couldn't figure out the slide timer thingie.... All of these are available and in about any color you can dream up... email if you want more info... like size and materials oh yea and price!
Follow the link to youtube to see! Thanks!
So one of my New Years resolutions was to get started with my shop, which I've started... but still no merchandise. Anyway, as I embark on this crazy handmade journey, I thought it was appropriate to start out saying... Who da thunk?! I was a self proclaimed tom boy, turned into a closet punk and now I'm married, live in Toronto and make jewelry to keep myself busy... WOW, what a journey!
On a side note, I've had a bit of practice now... I had one unsupervised jewelry class in @ Hempfield High School and a bunch of art classes @ Byu-Idaho... but I think I really didn't get started until my mother-in-law, Franny, asked me to make her some special brooches for Christmas. I know what you are thinking, ewwww.... grandma's wear brooches! BUT I've found I have a knack for them and they aren't crystal "I Heart MOM" pins but beautiful accents that look great on coats, scarves and purses. I liked them so much and so did she that I ended up making over 30 for presents. I also made beaded jewelry for my family members who I wasn't sure whether they'd like getting a pin. Every girl loves getting sparklies! :)
So, in the end I'm super pleased and can't wait to start the new Etsy shop. Hope you can spare a moment and take a look at the work I've been doing.
On a side note, I've had a bit of practice now... I had one unsupervised jewelry class in @ Hempfield High School and a bunch of art classes @ Byu-Idaho... but I think I really didn't get started until my mother-in-law, Franny, asked me to make her some special brooches for Christmas. I know what you are thinking, ewwww.... grandma's wear brooches! BUT I've found I have a knack for them and they aren't crystal "I Heart MOM" pins but beautiful accents that look great on coats, scarves and purses. I liked them so much and so did she that I ended up making over 30 for presents. I also made beaded jewelry for my family members who I wasn't sure whether they'd like getting a pin. Every girl loves getting sparklies! :)
So, in the end I'm super pleased and can't wait to start the new Etsy shop. Hope you can spare a moment and take a look at the work I've been doing.
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