Monday, January 4, 2010


So one of my New Years resolutions was to get started with my shop, which I've started... but still no merchandise. Anyway, as I embark on this crazy handmade journey, I thought it was appropriate to start out saying... Who da thunk?! I was a self proclaimed tom boy, turned into a closet punk and now I'm married, live in Toronto and make jewelry to keep myself busy... WOW, what a journey!

On a side note, I've had a bit of practice now... I had one unsupervised jewelry class in @ Hempfield High School and a bunch of art classes @ Byu-Idaho... but I think I really didn't get started until my mother-in-law, Franny, asked me to make her some special brooches for Christmas. I know what you are thinking, ewwww.... grandma's wear brooches! BUT I've found I have a knack for them and they aren't crystal "I Heart MOM" pins but beautiful accents that look great on coats, scarves and purses. I liked them so much and so did she that I ended up making over 30 for presents. I also made beaded jewelry for my family members who I wasn't sure whether they'd like getting a pin. Every girl loves getting sparklies! :)

So, in the end I'm super pleased and can't wait to start the new Etsy shop. Hope you can spare a moment and take a look at the work I've been doing.


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