Monday, January 4, 2010

Jana Bell

My college roommate and "love of my life" died in a car accident a year ago. Some of the best times I remember with her involve going shopping... she could shop! Once while visiting her family I bought a dress... don't know how I afforded it on a college income... and her mom/she bought me a beautiful green bead necklace. When I started making jewelry I kept coming across the necklace, that despite it having a broken clasp, I had kept. I finally sat down one day and "talked" with Jana, the way I usually do when I start missing her and the next thing I knew I had these earrings. I've made only 4 four pairs... but maybe next time I miss her I'll make more, not the same but similar... and have already given away 2. If you knew Jana that you know what I mean when I write she was one of a kind and full of life and love.

She'll always be loved. Miss you.
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1 comment:

  1. I miss her everyday, and regret everyday that I didn't tell her more often how much I loved her or what a great friend I thought she was. She wasn't perfect, and never pretended to be. She was the friendliest, silliest woman who was so full of life. I still am shocked sometimes when I think about it that she is gone. I honestly still cry when I think about her, I can't believe it's almost been a whole year.
